
Purple is a simple yet powerful data backend with support for:

  • Key/value operations
  • Counters and sets
  • Flags (basically key/value pairs where the value is a Boolean)
  • Caching (with TTL)

Purple is meant to abstract away complex and multifarious data interfaces in favor of a unified set of simple operations. Do your services and functions need access to centralized state but not to a full-fledged database like PostgreSQL or DynamoDB or FaunaDB? Purple might just be the thing for you.

How it works

The diagram below shows how you can use Purple DB:

Here you see two services and three serverless/FaaS functions connecting to a Purple backend. All of these processes can utilize Purple as a single, centralized state storage system.


Good news! There are several easy ways to run Purple.

gRPC server

To install the Purple gRPC server:

# Executable
go get github.com/purpledb/purple/cmd/purple-grpc

# Docker image
docker pull purpledb/purple-grpc:latest

Then you can run it:

# Executable

# Docker image
docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8081 purpledb/purple-grpc:latest

You should see log output like this:

2019/07/27 14:37:09 Starting up the server on port 8081

HTTP server

To install the purple HTTP server:

# Executable
go get github.com/purpledb/purple/cmd/purple-http

# Docker image
docker pull purpledb/purple-http:latest

Then you can run it:

# Executable

# Docker image
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 purpledb/purple-http:latest

gRPC Go client

To use the Go client in your service or FaaS function:

go get github.com/purpledb/purple

To instantiate a client:

import "github.com/purpledb/purple"

// Supply the address of the purple gRPC server
client, err := purple.NewGrpcClient("localhost:8081")
if err != nil { 
    // Handle error

// Now you can run the various data operations, for example:
if err := client.CacheSet("player1-session", "a1b2c3d4e5f6", 120); err != nil {
    // Handle error

HTTP Go client

import "github.com/purpledb/purple"

client, err := purple.NewHttpClient("http://localhost:8080")
if err != nil {
    // Handle error

count, err := client.CounterIncrement("player1-points", 100)

Use cases

Purple is designed for situations where you need a single storage backend shared by many processes—FaaS functions, microservices, etc.—with straightforward storage needs. Here are some example scenarios:

  • You're hacking on a video game and want to run CRUD operations on user data (username as key and JSON as the value) and increment and decrement point total counters for each user
  • You're building a continuous integration system and need a persistent feature flag backend

Purple lets you do all of the above without needing to run multiple databases. If you really do need to run BigTable plus Redshift plus Redis plus MongoDB or somesuch, then Purple is probably not meant for you.

Example app

You can see a TODO application that uses Purple here. The application is a simple REST API that uses Purple's sets interface to expose CRUD operations to users.

To run the example app:

# First, install Docker Compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
# Then:
git clone https://github.com/purpledb/purple && cd purple
docker-compose up --build

Here are some example operations on the app:

export TODOS=http://localhost:3000/todos

curl -XPOST "$TODOS?todo=shopping"
curl -XPOST "$TODOS?todo=running"
curl $TODOS
# {"todos":["shopping","running"]}
curl -XDELETE "$TODOS?todo=running"
# {"todos":["shopping"]}


You can run Purple as a gRPC server or as an HTTP server (both expose the same operations).


There are currently Go client libraries for both gRPC and HTTP, and I hope to support other languages soon.


There are currently three backends available for Purple:

DiskData is stored persistently on disk using the Badger library. Each service (cache, KV, etc.) is stored in its own separate on-disk DB, which guarantees key isolation.
MemoryData is stored in native Go data structures (maps, slices, etc.). This backend is blazing fast but all data is lost when the service restarts.
RedisThe Purple server stores all data in a persistent Redis installation. Each service uses a different Redis database, which provides key isolation.


Since any server type can work with any backend, the following server/backend combinations are currently supported:



The table below lists the available operations*:

CacheGet(key string)CacheFetches the value of a key from the cache or returns a not found error if the key doesn't exist or has expired.
CacheSet(key, value string, ttl int32)CacheSets the value associated with a key and assigns a TTL (the default is 5 seconds). Overwrites the value and TTL if the key already exists.
CounterIncrement(key string, amount int64)CounterIncrements a counter by the designated amount. Returns the new value of the counter or an error.
CounterGet(key string)CounterFetches the current value of a counter. Returns zero if the counter isn't found.
FlagGet(key string)FlagFetches the current Boolean value of a flag. If the flag hasn't yet been set, the default value is false.
FlagSet(key string, value bool)FlagSets the Boolean value of a flag.
KVGet(key string)KVGets the value associated with a key or returns a not found error. The value is currently just a byte array payload but could be made more complex later (e.g. a payload plus a content type, metadata, etc.).
KVPut(key string, value *Value)KVSets the value associated with a key, overwriting any existing value.
KVDelete(key string)KVDeletes the value associated with a key or returns a not found error.
SetGet(set string)SetFetch the items currently in the specified set. Returns an empty string set ([]string) if the set isn't found.
SetAdd(set, item string)SetAdds an item to the specified set and returns the resulting set.
SetRemove(set, item string)SetRemoves an item from the specified set and returns the resulting set. Returns an empty set isn't found or is already empty.

* These interfaces are from the standpoint of the Purple Go clients. They will differ when support is added for clients in other languages, though the operations will be equivalent.

The project

Purple is in its early stages. Please do not use Purple as a production data service just yet (though I'd like to get there!). Instead, use it as a convenience for prototyping and experimenting.

Also be aware that Purple runs as a single instance and has no clustering built in (and thus isn't highly available). If you use the Redis backend, however, you can run multiple instances of Purple that connect to a single Redis cluster.


Microservices or FaaS functions that rely on stateful data operations can use Purple instead of needing to interact with multiple databases. This greatly simplifies the service/function development process by sharply reducing the hassle of dealing with databases (i.e. no need to install/learn/use 5 different database clients).

Does your service need something that isn't provided by Purple? File an issue or submit a PR and I'll add it!

Future directions

In the future, I imagine Purple acting as an abstraction layer over lots of different data systems, exposing a powerful interface that covers the overwhelming majority of data use cases without exposing the system internals of any of those systems. This would entail:

  • Making the current data interfaces more sophisticated and capable of covering a wider range of use cases
  • Adding new interfaces, such as a timeseries interface, a simple graph interface, etc.
  • Providing a relational interface that supports a subset of SQL (SQLite would likely suffice for this)
  • Providing optional pluggable backends behind Purple (e.g. using Redis for caching, Elasticsearch for search, etc.)
  • Providing a message queue/pub-sub interface, eliminating the need for a Kafka/Pulsar/RabbitMQ/etc. client
  • Expanding to deployment targets beyond Kubernetes (potentially Heroku, Zeit/Now, etc.)


Purple can be deployed on pretty much any platform you can imagine. I've created configs for Kubernetes and Heroku deployment but will provide other targets in the future.


There are two configuration files in the deploy directory that enable you to run the purple gRPC and HTTP servers, respectively, on Kubernetes. Both use the default namespace and both use Redis as a backend (and install a Redis service).


kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/purpledb/purple/master/deploy/purple-grpc-k8s.yaml


kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/purpledb/purple/master/deploy/purple-http-k8s.yaml

Accessing the service

Once you've deployed purple on Kubernetes, you can access it in your local environment using port forwarding:

# gRPC
kubectl port-forward svc/purple-grpc 8081:8081

kubectl port-forward svc/purple-http 8080:8080


You can run Purple on Heroku in just a few commands.

Clone the Purple repo if you haven't already:

git clone https://github.com/purpledb/purple && cd purple

Now create a Heroku app:

heroku apps:create

This will create an app with a randomly generated name. To specify the name:

heroku apps:create --name my-specific-name

To deploy Purple, push to the Heroku Git repository:

git push heroku master

The default configuration runs Purple using the memory backend. The major shortcoming of the memory backend is that all data is wiped out when the service is restarted (Heroku restarts apps frequently). For persistent data, use the Redis backend instead.


Running Purple on Heroku using Redis requires the premium-0 plan or higher (which currently costs $15/month). That's because Purple requires 4 separate Redis databases to provide key isolation. To provision this plan:

heroku addons:create heroku-redis:premium-0

Once you've provisioned the proper Heroku Redis plan, add a Heroku Procfile with these contents:

web: bin/purple-http --backend redis --port $PORT --redis-url $REDIS_URL

Commit that file to Git and push the changes to Heroku:

git add Procile
git commit -m "Add Procfile to Git"
git push heroku master

If something goes wrong, you can check the logs:

heroku logs

You can also scale


There are many ways you can contribute to Purple!

What I'm most interested in at this phase is making Purple something that people would use in real production scenarios. If you think Purple is intriguing but there's something preventing you from using it in non-dev environments, let me know why in the issues!


Purple was created by Luc Perkins, Developer Advocate at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and author of the second edition of Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement.